Meet Our Teaching Staff

  • Tabitha Pangman - Owner - Director- Teacher

    Teaches: Voice, Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, Bass

    Specialties: Classical Voice - Vocal Pedagogy - Opera Theater- Musical Theater - Elementary Music - Choir - Music Theory - Music Education

    Classes: Musical Theater Skills - Music and Movement - Storybook Theater -Homeschool Program - Triple-Threat Program - Adult Caroling Choir - Summer Camps

  • Tom Scannell - Teacher

    Specialties: Theater Director - Acting - Theater Performance - Theater Education

    Classes: Acting for Theater - Adult Acting

  • Deb Doherty - Teacher - Theater Director

    Teaches: Voice, Piano, Guitar

    Specialties: Theater Director - Musical Theater - Acting - Theater Performance - Theater Education

    Classes: Storybook Theater - “Triple-Threat” Program - Musical Theater Skills - Musical Theater Summer Camp

  • Sophie Thompson- Teacher

    Teaches: Voice, Piano, Guitar

    Specialties: Classical Voice - Musical Theater - Music Education

    Teaches: Summer Camps

  • Michael Mitchell - Teacher

    Teaches: Voice, Piano, Ukulele.

    Specialties: Musical Theater

  • Bonnie Thiemens

    Stage Manager, Volunteer Coordinator

    Musical Theater Summer Camp, Showcases

  • Katherine Lind - Choir Director

    Directs: Standish Community Choir

    Specialties: Music Education - Voice - Choral Music - Composition.

  • Jack Scannell - Teacher - Sound Tech

    Specialties: Film - Editing - Sound - Tech

    Teaches: Movie Makers Class

  • Justin Thiemens - Teacher, House Band

    Teaches: Drum Kit

    Member of Crescendo’s “House Band” for recitals & Performances.

  • Chris Pangman - Teacher

    Teaches: Drums, Percussion

    Specialties: Rock - Contemporary - Song Writing - Sound Enginering

    Teaches - Rock Band 101 - Summer Camps

Teach At Crescendo!

We are looking for passionate, talented, and engaging Musicians, Dancers, and Thespians to join our Teaching team!

There is nothing as rewarding as inspiring the next generation of musicians and performers! At Crescendo, you can shape your teaching schedule around your personal availability, teaching as much or as little as works for you. Plus, you’ll have a job that is always exciting, challenging, and genuinely FUN to do!

We are SPECIFICALLY searching for Piano, Voice, and Dance Teachers at this time - though we are hiring in other areas as well! We look forward to receiving your application.

If you are interested in Teaching at Crescendo, please fill out the New Teacher Application Below!

-For current CSPA Teachers-

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