Sophie Thompson

has been performing publicly since the age of five playing piano but has been singing since she can remember. Sophie also danced as a young child, but her love of performing truly started blossoming when she began theater at the age of 10. Sophie has been in a wide range of productions, including Twelve Angry Men, Matilda the Musical, and will be in the University of Southern Maine’s Gianni Schicchi in Fall 2024. Sophie is a classically trained soubrette soprano, and is currently finishing up her degree in Music Education at the University of Southern Maine.

Outside of performing, Sophie has started to find a love for directing and conducting. Sophie has conducted in multiple choral concerts, masterclasses with choral directors from around the country, and will be conducting an original composition in her senior recital in October 2024. Additionally, Sophie has recently accepted a position as the Assistant Director of the Portland Symphony Orchestra’s Childrens’ Choir. She hopes to continue directing after graduating, while also teaching music full time.