Save as a family on Ongoing Lessons and Group Classes with Crescendo’s “Grow with us” discount! Continue reading below the Private Lesson and Group Class pricing for more details and eligibility requirements!



$25 / lesson - Ongoing Lessons

$20 / lesson - Trial Lesson

$30 / single lesson - One Off Lessons*


$36/ lesson - Ongoing Lessons

$32/ lesson - Trial Lesson

$43 / single lesson - One Off Lessons*


$47/ lesson - Ongoing Lessons

$43/ lesson - Trial Lesson

$54 / single lesson - One Off Lessons*

*one-off Lessons can be scheduled whenever is convenient for the student and teacher. You are not required to schedule weekly sessions

After your trial class, ongoing lessons are weekly and billing is monthly.


Group Classes are typically Charged Monthly, at the beginning of each month. Information about Group class Costs can be found on our “Group Classes” Pages

Classes are semester-Lenth (between 6 and 12 weeks long) and reoccur once or twice weekly, depending on the course. You will be billed monthly for each class, according to the class cost breakdown, regardless of the number of weeks in that month. (The exception being “Music and Movement”, which is charged weekly)

Due to the nature of Group classes (classes build on the knowledge learned throughout the semester) additional students can only be added within the first few weeks of the course , at the Teachers discretion. Out of respect for all students in the course (The students work together to create a dynamic final performance, in which every student plays a vital role!) we ask that all students follow though their courses to completion. (Once again, “Music and Movement” is the exception, as students can join the class at any point in the semester)

Grow with us using our “Crescendo and Save” Discount!

We understand that classes for Large families can quickly add up - so we do offer discounts for Families with multiple kids and/or parents enrolled in classes and Lessons.

These discounts vary, and are dependent on the total number of class hours and overall class costs*. As you “Crescendo” your class enrollments for any and all members of your immediate family, your savings continue to grow! Please reach out to discuss what discounts may apply for your Family unit!

*”Crescendo and Save”, “Homeschool Program - multi-Sibling’ and “Triple-Threat Performance Program” Discounts cannot be combined. We will descuss with you/apply the discount that best serves your family unit!


CSPA has no registration fee. We charge only for Lessons/classes that students are signed up for.

Your initial trial lesson (if applicable) will be charged on your card on file. When you begin ongoing lessons or Classes you can choose to continue using your card on file for future payments or switch methods of payments. CSPA charges monthly by the total number of weeks in each month. Read more about our cancelation policy below.


Auto-Pay: All cards on file will be charged on the 1st of each month for the current upcoming month. You will receive an email receipt for your payment or an email to update your card should your card not process.

Cash/Check/Card/PayPal: You will receive an invoice on the 1st of each month. Payments can be made by cash or check in our payment drop box; through the link located at the bottom of the invoice sent to you; or by PayPal. If a payment is late, the card on file will be charged. Payments are considered “Late” when not received by the 7th of the month.

CANCELLATION POLICY - Ongoing Private Lessons

You are able to cancel and reschedule any private lesson through the student portal. Please contact us if you’re unable to login or access your account for any reason and we’ll assist you.

If you cancel your private lesson more than 24 hours before class time, you will receive a makeup credit and can reschedule the class within 90 days, pending teachers' availability. We do not refund or credit missed classes. We can't guarantee your teacher will have extra availability, and in the event your teacher is not available we can look for availability with another teacher.

When a private lesson is canceled with less than 24 hours notice (for any reason – including sickness and emergencies), you will still be responsible for paying for that missed class. When you book a recurring time slot with CSPA, the teacher reserves that time for you. It's like signing up for a course in college – you pay for the course regardless of whether you come to class or not. We respect our teachers' time and commitment and pay them accordingly so that we can offer the highest quality services. We cannot be responsible for our students' emergencies. With less than 24 hours notice, we don’t have time to fill that time with another student.  

If a teacher cancels a Private Lesson for any reason, you will receive a make up lesson and have the option to reschedule the class with your teacher or with a substitute within 90 days.

CANCELLATION POLICY - One-Off Private Lessons

One-off Lessons can be scheduled whenever is convenient for the student and teacher. You are not required to schedule weekly sessions. One off Lessons are charged at the time of the Lesson. If you need to cancel a previously scheduled One-Off lesson, we require 12 hours of notice. If 12 hours of Notice is given, the lesson is canceled with no charge, and no Makeup. You can schedule your next lesson whenever is convenient for you and the Teacher.

If LESS then 12 hours notice of cancelation is given, you will be charged 50% of the lesson cost. This includes “No shows”.


You are not able to Cancel/Reschedule Group Classes. We understand that occasionally your student may need to miss class. We appreciate being informed if you student is going to miss class for any reason, however, due to the nature of group classes, they are not eligible for makeup credits or refunds. When you miss a group class, class STILL happens with all of the other students - it is a choice for your student not to be there. You are still charged for the class, even if you do not attend. Excessive absences hinder the progress of the entire class, and may result in removal from the course.

If a Teacher needs to Reschedule a Group Class due to inclement weather, etc., we will contact you, and work to find a suitable time to reschedule that is agreeable for the most students within the class.


We ask that all students see their Group Classes though to completion. Students work collaboratively on projects, and every student is a valuable and necessary part of the prosses - Lossing a student midsemester invalidates the hard work and effort of ALL students in a class. IF an unavoidable EMERGENCY arises that requires you to withdraw your student from a group class, the cost of the course already paid CANNOT be refunded. In most cases, particularly in the case of Theater Classes - Your student will need to be REPLACED in order for the classes production to be successful - your student’s tuition will be used as a discount forwarded to cover the cost of their replacement in the production.


If you'd like to Withdraw from ongoing lessons, we require at least 2 weeks notice, and you’re required to finish out the month of lessons you’ve paid for. Please note that we cannot hold time slots once you've canceled your slot. Once that slot is open, it is available for other students to book, and we cannot guarantee a slot with that teacher later on.

We ask that all parents, legal guardians, and students agree that they are contracted directly with CSPA and not with the individual teacher. Parents, legal guardians and students are not permitted to solicit our music teachers for lessons outside of CSPA. By doing so, parents, legal guardians, and students will be in violation of this agreement and in part will be breaching our teachers’ non-solicitation agreement with CSPA.