Group Classes

These are the Group Acting and Musical Theater classes available for KIDS (6 - 8), TWEENS (9 - 11) and TEENS (ages 12 - 16). Combine both Classes for your student’s age group and a Weekly Private Voice Lesson in our Triple Threat Program!

We also have some special music offerings available for Homeschool Families, Babies & Preschoolers, and Adults ( Some options open to ages 14 and up) - for more information, check out those pages!

For information about private music lessons, check out the "private lessons" page!

Musical Theater Skills & Scenes

Sessions for KIDS, TWEENS, and TEENS

This class is for students who are interested in Musical Theater to polish their skills! This Musical theater Scenes class is a wonderful opportunity for students, regardless of their initial skill level, to improve their stage presence while singing and dancing!

This class meets once a week, and has separate sessions for KIDS, TWEENS, and young TEENS. Students will work on Musical Theater Scenes, and learn at least one Musical theater dance number over the course of the session. Students will build foundational dance and movement skills needed as an actor, while improving their vocal skills and confidence on stage! At the end of the semester, they will put on a final Musical performance for family and friends!

***This Class is included as a part of the “Triple-Threat” Performance Program, but may also be taken independently - More info About the program can be found a the bottom of this page!***

Musical Theater - KIDS (Ages 6- 8)

Mondays  from 5:45PM to 6:30PM

Cost - $60 Per Month

Musical Theater - TWEENS (Ages 9- 11)

Wednesdays from 6PM-7PM

Cost - $75 Per Month

Musical Theater - TEENS (Ages 12- 16)

Tuesdays from 5PM-6PM

Cost - $75 Per Month


Fall 2024 Session - Starts the week of September 16th though December 12th , with Dress rehearsal December 13th and Performances planned for December 14th & 15th (Final Showcase) 2024.

* Each Session is charged monthly, at the beginning of each month. Classes are charged independent of individual class attendance. The Month of DECEMBER classes will be discounted to $35 for KIDS session and $45 TWEENS/TEENS. Dress rehearsal sand Performance cost for Students is included in the cost of Tuition payment.

More details - including holidays, snow day policy, and additional rehearsals are listed together for all classes at the bottom of this page!

Acting For Theater

Sessions for KIDS, TWEENS, and TEENS

This class is for students who are interested in exploring Theater and improving their acting and vocal skills! This class is approachable for beginners, while providing challenges for more experienced actors.  It is a wonderful opportunity for students, regardless of their initial skill level, to increase their stage experience in a fun and encouraging learning environment! Over the course of the class, students will learn, stage, and rehearse scenes, culminating in a final performance for family and friends at the end of the semester! 

This class meets once a week, and has separate sessions for KIDS, TWEENS, and young TEENS. With a much smaller class size than can be found in most theater programs, students have more opportunities to shine in each scene, and plenty of opportunity for individualized coaching and improvement! 

***This Class is included as a part of the “Triple-Threat” Performance Program, but may also be taken independently. More info about the program can be found at the bottom of this page. ***

Acting for Theater - KIDS (Ages 6- 8)

Mondays  from 5pm-5:45pm

Cost - $60 Per month

Acting for Theater - TWEENS (Ages 9- 11)

Wednesdays from 5pm-6pm

Cost - $75 Per month

Acting for Theater - TEENS (Ages 12- 16)

Tuesdays from 6pm-7pm

Cost - $75 Per Month


Fall 2024 Session - Starts the week of September 16th though December 12th, performances planned for November 8th (Fall Black Box Performance), and December 14th & 15th (Final Showcase for those in Group scenes)

*Each Session is charged monthly, at the beginning of each month. Classes are charged independent of individual class attendance. The Month of DECEMBER classes will be discounted to $35 for KIDS session and $45 TWEENS/TEENS. Dress rehearsal sand Performance cost for Students is included in the cost of Tuition payment.

More details - including holidays, snow day policy, and additional rehearsals are listed together for all classes at the bottom of this page!

The “Triple- Threat” Performance Program

This Program is for the young performer who wants to learn to do it all - Acting, Singing, and Dancing; In the Musical Theater world, we call those performers a triple threat! 

This Program has a KIDS, TWEEN, and TEEN division. It combines  “Acting for Theater”, Musical Theater Skills & Scenes ” and a once weekly 30 minute Private Vocal & Acting Coaching for each student in the program, starting the second week of classes - all at combined monthly cost of more than 25% off! Our Fall session starts the week of September 16th, and runs though December 15th.

Students in the TRIPLE - THREAT Program will expand their knowledge and skill in acting, singing, and dancing; gaining more confidence and fluidity performing in front of an audience in all three of these disciplines. At the end of the semester, the students will showcase their musical theater skills as "Triple Threats' in the making in a final performance for Family and friends, and feature as a soloist!

“Triple-Threat” - KIDS (Ages 6- 8)

Mondays 5pm-6:30pm + 30 minute private lesson (TBD)

Cost - $165 per month*

“Triple-Threat” - TWEENS (Ages 9- 11)

Wednesdays from 5pm-7pm + 30 minute private lesson (TBD)

Cost - $190 per month*

“Triple-Threat” - TEENS (Ages 12- 16)

Tuesdays from 5pm-7pm + 30 minute private lesson (TBD)

Cost - $190 per month*


Fall 2024 Session - Starts the week of September 16th though December 13th, with performances planned for November 8th (Fall Recital & Black Box Performance), and December 14th & 15th (Final Showcase) 2024.

*PRIVATE LESSON - For students registered by Sept 7th, private lessons will begin the first week of enrollment. For students enrolled after that date, lessons will begin during the second week of classes.

Each Session is charged monthly, at the beginning of each month. Classes are charged independent of individual class attendance. The Month of DECEMBER classes will be discounted to $115 for KIDS session and $130 TWEENS/TEENS. Dress rehearsal and Performance cost for Students is included in the cost of Tuition payment.

Additional Details for All KIDS, TWEENS, AND TEENS Acting and Musical Theater Classes:

All Students Participating in the December Showcase will have a Dress rehearsal on December 12th /13th

Vocal Students will be invited to participate in a Master Class Planned for November 1st at 5PM - 6:30PM/7PM (Depending on Student interest). This Master Class can count as a Student snow-day makeup lesson

Fall Soloist and Band recitals are planned for November 16th & 17th - all Students in Private Vocal Lessons are invited to Perform in our Student recitals.

All Students are Invited to be a part of Our December Showcase Fanale - A Finale rehearsal is planned for Thursday December 6th. This may serve as a Snow-day Group class Makeup.

Holidays/Snow Days - We strive to follow our local district, MSAD6’s Calendar, and will not have Group Classes Monday October 14th, Monday November 11th, or Tuesday November 26th - Friday the 29th . Voice Lessons though the Triple-Threat program will not be scheduled for these dates. Additionally, there is always the possibility of Snow Days - Group classes canceled due to snow days are not guaranteed to be rescheduled. Make up Lesson options WILL be offered for Private lessons Canceled due to Snow Days.

Two weeks notice required to withdraw from programs and Classes. Classes already paid for are not refunded.