Welcome to Crescendo School of Performing Arts!

CSPA is a fun and encouraging place where students of all ages can explore Performing Arts though Music, Theater, and Dance! 


Performance Program  

Fall, Winter, and Spring Sessions for Kids, Tweens, and Teens! (Ages 6 though 16)

Contemporary Band

& Theater Classes

Semester long Acting for Theater, Musical Theater, and Rock Band Classes for ages 6 to 16

Music Lessons

Voice - Guitar - Piano - Bass 

Drum Kit - Ukulele - Clarinet

Lessons for Ages 4 though Adult - start anytime!

Classes for Adults

Crescendo Carolers, Standish Community Choir

and Acting classes for Adults and older teens!



Semester long Daytime Classes designed for Homeschool families and Co-op Groups!

Classes for 5 and under

Music and movement Classes for ages 0 to 5, and Storybook Theater for ages 3 to 5 ! Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions - Drop-in available.

cre·scen·do [krəˈSHenˌdō]


  1. the loudest point reached in a gradually increasing sound

  2. the highest point reached in a progressive increase of intensity

  3. music - a gradual increase in loudness in a piece of music


  1. increase in loudness or intensity


late 18th century: Italian, present participle of crescere ‘to increase’, from Latin crescere ‘grow’.

Crescendo = Gradual increase; to Grow!